Note from Pine Shores President...
Hello Again, My Friends,
We have a fresh and beautiful New Year in front of us! I’m hoping for good health and good cheer for all of you and yours as we embark upon what we all hope will be a better year than 2024. It’s up to us to make it so. Learning new things, making new friends and keeping ourselves involved can go a long way toward enhancing our joy of
living. (So can Pine Shores!)
Stafford is trying to make our building more comfortable for us. As many of you know, new windows are on the agenda, but WHEN? We had thought that this would happen over the holidays, but alas, ‘twas
not to be. The schedule is being set by an outside contractor.
Public Works thinks it will happen over the next couple of weeks, but who knows? The Board has decided to just go on with business as usual, and then when we’re notified, we’ll put out an “all call” blast
for anyone who can come over and help us move things out of the way. It will work out.
Hope to see you soon!
Lonny Hall