Pine Shores Art
Plein Air in Pine Air...
Hello all !
We plan to schedule Plein Air activities monthly throughout 2024, starting in March, and now open to the public! Stay tuned for updates on the Plein Air web page.
Thank you and stay safe!
Ocean County Library Contacts
Click for the Library List... it has been updated for 2023! Artists should contact the libraries directly for availability to exhibit their paintings.
For Pine Shores Art Association
Barbara Kraemer
POP Program
POP outreach program has begun again. If interested in teaching a lesson at a local nursing home, join us for a meeting at Pine Shores Art in Stafford. If you want more information, contact Linda Saladino at 609-660-8062.
Next meeting is Wednesday, January 17th, 9:30am.
Stafford Library
The Stafford Library Fall Show pickup date has been changed to Tuesday,
Dec. 19th from 9:15 to 11am.
If you can't be there to pick up your artwork, please let Paul know and he'll make other arrangements with you.
For any of you who would like to bring artwork for the Winter Show (this will hang from 12/19 to about March12th....I'll confirm this date with you).
The Winter Show will have no theme, but snow scenes and winter activities would be appropriate. Up to 4 pieces will be welcome and I'd appreciate it if you would give me a heads up if you plan to bring some artwork with you on Dec 19th.
Any questions, please email Paul Hartelius at or call him on his cell at 908-419-9363.
Celebrating over 40 years of fine arts in the community
Art History Lecture
Classical Subjects in Art: Everyone Copied the Greeks
From the Romans to the Renaissance and more recent artists, it seems as if everyone copied the Greeks. Botticelli used a modest Aphrodite in his famous Birth of Venus, and Bernini's Apollo and Daphne is a tour-de-force in marble carving. The Surrealists were especially fond of classical subjects and we will see examples by Man Ray, Magritte, Dali, and deChirico, all of whom had their own "take" on famous classical subjects. We will look at such recent examples as Andy Warhol, the Harry Potter movies, and artists using computer-generated imagery.
Here is a brief bio of Professor Kate Ogden:
Kate Ogden is a Professor of Art History at Stockton University, where she has taught since 1991. She has given talks for Pine Shores since 1992.
At Stockton she specializes in American and European art of the 19th and 20th centuries as well as the History of Photography. In recent years she has team-taught a course on Japanese Art & Culture and is looking forward to her second class trip to Japan this coming May (2023).
Now... Beach Haven Borough Fall Show
PSAA's hanging committee logs in and hangs new art to replace the previous Show's art.
Come see the Show... LBI visitors love !
Long Beach Blvd & Engleside Ave in Beach Haven
Coming Soon, December 19th...
Master Watercolor Artist
Carrie Waller Watercolor Zoom Demo
Portrait Sessions start in January ! only 5 bucks per session
(towards model's fee)
Coming next month...
Tuckerton Borough Fine Arts Gallery
2024 Winter Show
420 East Main Street, Tuckerton, NJ 08234
(not at PSAA Tuckerton Art Center)